venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

BIG SPLASH NETWORK POETICO, installazione di Caterina Davinio, Sala Dorica di Palazzo Reale, Napoli, ottobre 2014.

Big Splash è un'installazione realizzata da Caterina Davinio nella Sala Dorica del Palazzo Reale di Napoli, dall'8 ottobre al 3 novembre 2014, nell'ambito del festival OLE.01, dedicato alla letteratura elettronica.
L'installazione si compone di due parti: una iconica e una di poesia in network.
Questo blog raccoglie i testi poetici dal network, cui hanno partecipato numerose tra le più significative voci della poesia italiana e internazionale contemporanea.
Big Splash is the title of the installation created by Caterina Davinio in the Doric Room of the Royal Palace of Naples, from October 8th to November 3rd, 2014, in the context of OLE.01 festival dedicated to electronic literature.
The installation consists of two parts: an iconic one and a poetry network.
The iconic part is composed by twenty-five digital images on the theme of water, elaborated from
photographs of the author, printed on aluminum. The images, side by side on a pedestal,
make up a larger image of one square meter.
The poetry network involved nearly two hundred authors from many countries of the world: their texts, in various languages​​, on the theme of water, printed on sheets of paper, were included in the installation of the Royal Palace and you can also read them online on this blog.

Caterina Davinio (Foggia, 1957), scrittrice, poeta e artista multimediale, si è occupata di arte dei nuovi media con attività espositiva, convegnistica e curatoriale in molti Paesi del mondo, nell'ambito della quale si segnalano centinaia di mostre internazionali, tra queste sette edizioni della Biennale di Venezia ed eventi collaterali, cui ha collaborato anche come curatrice. 
Presente in antologie e in studi italiani e stranieri d'arte, letteratura e avanguardie, è tra i pionieri della poesia digitale e la fondatrice della net-poetry italiana. Sue opere poetiche e saggistiche sono tradotte in inglese.
Tra le pubblicazioni i romanzi Il sofà sui binari (2013), Còlor còlor (1998); per la saggistica: Tecno-Poesia e realtà virtuali (2002) e, sulla net-poetry, Virtual Mercury House (2012); in poesia: Aspettando la fine del mondo (2012), Premio Astrolabio per l'Originalità del Testo; Il libro dell'oppio (2012), finalista nel XXV Premio Camaiore; Fenomenologie seriali (2010); Fatti deprecabili, Premio Tredici 2014.

Caterina Davino (Foggia, 1957), writer, poet and multimedia artist, lived in Rome from 1961 to 1996. After graduation, she was involved in new media art with exhibition activities, conferences and as a curator, in many countries, with hundreds of international exhibitions; among them were seven editions of the Venice Biennale and collateral events, where she collaborated also as a curator. Others were the Biennials of Sydney, Lyon (two editions), of Athens, of Liverpool, the E-Poetry festival at the University SUNY Buffalo (New York) and the University of Barcelona, Polyphonix, in Barcelona and Paris, Artmedia VII, curated by Mario Costa, at the University of Salerno. Further, The Art Tribes. Tribes of Video and Performance, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva at the Municipal Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome, and many others.
She is one of the pioneers of digital poetry and the founder of Italian net-poetry, and is included in Italian and foreign anthologies and studies about art, literature and avant-garde.
She is included in international archives, private and public collections of contemporary art and has received awards in Italy and abroad for her literary and artistic activities. Many of her works of poetry and essays have been translated into English.
Among her publications: the novel The Sofa on the Rails (2013), which was among the winners of the Oubliette Prize in 2014; Color Color (1998), a finalist in the Feronia Prize; the essays: Techno-Poetry and Virtual Realities (2002) and writings on net-poetry, such as Virtual Mercury House (book with dvd, 2012); she has also published the poetry books: Waiting for the End of the World (2012), which won the Astrolabio Prize for the Originality of the Text, and Honorable Mention in the International Prize Le Grazie - Porto Venere; The Book of Opium (2012), a finalist in the XXV Camaiore Award, in the XI National Competition City of St. Anastasia, and among the books selected for the Gradiva Award (New York); Serial Phenomenologies (2010), ranked third for the Carver Prize and Special Mention in the Nabokov Prize; Deprecable Facts; Poems and Performance from 1971 to 1996 (2014), earning the Thirteen Award in 2014.
Caterina Davino is one of the winners of the national competition “Life in Prose 2012”.
Since 1997 she lives in Rome and Monza, operating at an international level.

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